11. Visualising our warming atmosphere & oceans
- Téma: Klimatológia
- Miesto konania: Stará tržnica- interiér
- Prednášajúci:Scott Duncan
- Dátum a čas začiatku: 29. 09. 2023 21:15
- Dátum a čas konca: 29. 09. 2023 21:55
Information about ocean warmth and trends (especially this year) with some engaging visuals and other angles in our changing climate.
O prednášajúcom:
Scott Duncan is a professional meteorologist based in London. Scott primarily forecasts for energy and power markets across Europe, with a heavy focus on renewable energy. He has worked in various parts of the weather industry and these include offshore, transport and construction. Scott is vocal on social media platforms and uses dataviz to communicate weather and climate to a broader audience. Scott gained a 1st class master’s degree in Meteorology & Climate from the University of Reading with one year spent in the School of Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma.
Prednášku podporilo britské veľvyslanectvo v Slovenskej republike.